Sunday, January 29, 2006

Southern Beauty...

Hello everyone! Things have become insanely busy....or maybe, they just haven't stopped being busy.:) Anyhow, we are in the midst of the new semester, and with it has come several changes and exciting new things. We got our computer, and our in the middle of getting set up with bellsouth, so soooonnn I shall be online all the time!!! Also, for those of you who have tried to call me recently, I have had much cell phone troubles, and thus have been without a phone until hopefully tomorrow. So do not think me rude if I have not replied to a message.:)
Well I have started a new job at the school doing some secretarial/computer work up at what we call the 'White House.' The reason for this being that it actually is an old, beautiful, southern white house. I work from about 9-12 am, and then Bray begins teaching at about a quarter to 12, so Hobbes takes his nap and stays home. Because of the different scheduling, Bray's day starts later and goes later. It has been really great for me to have something structured in the day, and I am enjoying it so far. I will also be playing for the upcoming children's musical they have, so I am looking forward to the interaction with the kids, as well as warming up my skills on the ivories once more.:)
Bray has been steadily teaching, practicing, performing, driving the bus, you name it, he's doing it. On Friday his choir had a performance a few hours away, at which, I might add, they did amazingly well, so we drove there, got home late, then got up early to drive 3 hours to Cleveland, MS for the regional Metropolitan Opera competition. We brought Charity along to babysit, as I was playing. Bray won one of the 3 awards, and although we will not participate in the next level, did very well, and found out some good info for teachers for Bray, young artist programs,etc.. We have a Kurt Weill competition in February which we have to send a video in for, so that is our next focus on the opera side of things. Other than that, we are looking forward to visits from parents and relatives, and just keeping on top of everything. We miss you all as always, and shall keep you updated as often as possible!

for the pics:Bray & Archer throwing sticks in the river by the levy, Hobbes and I watching the water, and a beautiful reflection of a tree in the water. Down below, a pic of us one gorgeous Sunday morn, and Hobbes and Bray celebrating at the Met competition yesterday. Enjoy!

1 comment:

~HeLeN~ said...

kaj-a-sa you are soooOOOOOO gorgeous! ~ ♥me♥ ~