Sunday, June 25, 2006

More Moscow Fun!

I just thought I'd throw a few more pics up before I head show all the crazy-fun times we've had! I head out Tuesday mornin, so please pray that travels go well, and that Hobbes is cooperative! Planes and babies don't always go well together.:)
For the pics:
Grandpa scaring Hobbes, Hobbes flippin out, and then Grandpa laughing.
Me and my sisters downtown by the fountain...enjoying the weather.(Afterwards, Hobbes tried to jump in the fountain)

Hobbes and his friend Gus, playing at the park-for the most part, they tried to eat and throw the bark.

Jordan, Carolyn and I went and played bumper cars in the mall...which, of course, I won at, as can be seen by Jordan's reaction.;)

Last but not least, my dad and Hobbes, asleep on the porch after Hobbes played in the kiddie pool.

What Fun!


Oberon said...

.....mozart rules.

~HeLeN~ said...

ahhhhh a new layout!!!!!