Friday, September 08, 2006

Fun With Hobbes!

Well,as you can see from the photos, Hobbes has been the only one presentable for the camera. He is photogenic 24/7. :) In all seriousness, things have just been insane-I know, I always say that, but it's true- and thus, I have barely remembered to take pics of Hobbes for all you wonderful people.
His personality comes through more and more each day. He has entered more of the 'imitation' stage of things, and I have found him copying me on several counts. I was in the grocery store the other day, let me rephrase, I was in the Piggly Wiggly the other day, and I was looking at the meat. I wasn't watching Hobbes, and suddenly a worker asked, "Ohhh, does he know how to write?" I said noo, but then I turned and saw he had gotten a pen and a receipt out of my purse, and was trying to make a mark with it, like Mommy does! I must admit, it was one of his cuter moments.
On the downside, he's still learning that sharing means not screaming when you give up your toy...but he has some red marks near his behind area that should help. Anyhow, I shall give you an update on what we're really up to soon, but for now, enjoy the crazy baby!

1 comment:

kidcardco said...

Mr Hobbes.... what a poser!