Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pics of Hobbes...finally!

Here is a pic of Bray and I for my birthday...but I did say this would be pics of Hobbes, so here we go!

Here are some outside's actually been a little cooler here lately, so I've had a chance to put him in some coats and hats. The one of him in the raincoat was yesterday...when it was POURING rain, and Hobbes just wanted to stand outside in it forever! He kept putting his hand out to feel the rain hitting it. So fun!!!

The one of Hobbes by the curtain is another of his favorite pasttimes...he hides behind the curtain and then 'jumps' out to roar and scare me. We hope you all are doing well...miss and love you!


~HeLeN~ said...

he's such a BIG boy!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! You're such a fun mom to let your kid play in the rain.