Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Madeline- up close and personal:)

Hello again, everyone! This is Kajsa, back from the hiatus of having a baby...but thanks to Aunt Kathryn for keeping everyone updated on the happy event! We finally got a picture of Madeline (or Lulu as Hobbes says) with her eyes open...she is such a sweetie! She's been pretty easy so far...sleeps, eats, and doesn't cry too much! Hobbes loves to rub her soft little head and touch her nose. Other than that, he pretty much goes about his own business. So here are some more pics of our pretty little gal... I hope you all enjoy! We do!
Just hangin out on the blanket Aunt Carolyn made us...starting to look around at stuff.

Finally a family pic!
Her head is so round it won't fit this cute little hat very long!

Just contemplating life.

Hobbes likes to go lay next to her and try to trade pasies...or show her his.

Already a Daddy's girl!
Oh and by the way, Madeline says hello to brand new cousin, Arthur Andrew Richey, born today! Yay for cousins! And congrats, Jarrod and Sarah!


~HeLeN~ said...

Yeah for cute pics! I'm glad to see all is going well!

Christin said...

Congratulations, Kajsa & Bray! I look forward to meeting Madeline someday.