Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Perfect moments...

I know it seems like the last several posts have been about Hobbes, but I feel like I go in phases. 3 for Madeline, 3 for Hobbes,etc. It's hard to be perfectly fair, right? As my mom always told me, "Kajsa, nothing in life is ever fair." Just another one of her sayings that I have now discovered is true. It's amazing how right your parents were/are...and now I also understand what my mom meant when she said, " You'll understand when you're a parent." Sheesh-prophetess! But, I digress.
We have (finally) gotten rid of the paci. It's weird, but I feel almost a little nostalgic about it- besides being fully potty-trained, it's the last of Hobbes' baby-ness. I never thought of myself as someone who looks back, who gets nostalgic, but with kids, all that goes out the window. Hobbes is my 1st, and now I feel like we're on the fast track...I know he's only 2, but he's a little person now, no longer a baby. I'm excited and a little sad at the thought that he'll never again be 'our baby.' He is so independent-I quote Toys 'R Us, "I'm a big kid now!"
The first few nights without the paci were quite rough...he woke up a lot, and so, to distract him, we brought in our little CD player, and some soft music. He was fascinated and excited by it. As soon as we brought it in, he came over and sat down in front of it, listening in perfect silence, with the night light shining on his little face. We just had to watch him for a minute-and Bray grabbed the camera, to try and capture this sweet, almost perfect:), moment.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You've been blooged! Happy Halloween! Go get your graphic