Friday, April 04, 2008

Spring IS coming...I think

The snow has finally melted...for the 2nd time this year!!! and so I took advantage of a snowless-almost sunny-yet still cold - day to take the kiddos outside. Hobbes loved having Madeline in a 'big kid' swing- he always makes sure she does what he does. If he has juice, he finds a cup of juice for Madeline. If he's playing in their room with toys, he comes out to get her, and says "Come on, Aline, come play-toys, in the room." Perhaps he thinks that if they're always together, we won't know who's the culprit at the time of discipline.;)My almost 1-year old little girl!

Swinging together.
He's probably telling her to hold on.
Now he's probably telling me to push him high.

Madeline's hair is getting 'long' in the back. I really dislike it when little girls get what I call a 'mini-mullet.' This is when the top takes forever to grow in, but the back grows long, and is left long. I have been tempted to trim it, but Bray's not quite sure. So the other night, right before her bath, I tried doing mini-pigtails. Although they looked pretty funny, I thought they were cute! And it gave me a glimpse of what she'll look like when I can finally do her hair!

My little crazy girl!
The back view of the pigtails.

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