Monday, January 26, 2009

Hobbes' imagination...

Hobbes has always played well by himself...even before he was 1, he would sit and 'drive' a car back and forth for hours. Lately, he's been telling me what he's doing more. Today he got out all his blocks, and built what he said was a 'birthday cake.' He got Madeline's plastic knife, and cut me a block of cake that I had to eat. Then, a few minutes later, it was a tower that his cars parked on, and crashed into. Like his Dad, he can turn almost anything into a game-even if it's just with a stick and a rock.:) (Sticks are usually swords-in-the-stone)
As most of you know, we live near a Boeing plant. Hobbes loves watching the airplanes fly overhead, and he often pretends they are chasing him, and he has to outrun them (which does not happen). This morning, Bray went in to their room, and Hobbes had 2 of his airplanes, and was making them fly back and forth over his head, complete with airplane sounds.
I love kids' imaginations!

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