Thursday, July 16, 2009

Family Camp

This past weekend, our church here in Seattle held a family camp out past Issaquah. We had not planned on going to the actual camp part ( I had to close at work both evenings) but on Friday, they called and offfered us a spot. Since Steve was the speaker for the weekend, we gladly accepted, knowing that we'd get to see a lot more of him! Although it was pretty close to actual camping (no bathrooms, sheets, etc.) we roughed it, and the kids enjoyed playing in the dirt, water and sun! It was really pretty out there, and we loved seeing Bop for a few days! He stayed till Monday, and got to spend the night at our place Sunday evening. Since I wasn't out at the camp as much, I didn't get as many pics, so these will have to do!
(oh, and Hobbes busted his lip right away, so his pictures will have a swollen lip in them!)
Throwing rocks in the lake, bright and early in the morning!
Madeline and her follow-through.We see lots of ducks at our lake, but never white ones! Pretty!
View from our cabin window...
Water fight down at the lake!
Bray was the biggest competitor...and the kiddos loved it!
Hanging out with my girl down by the water.:)
Sitting in the big tire swing!
Filthy, tired and happy.
When George and Jennie walked in for church, Hobbes ran over to give George a 'Sabbath hug.' He then took George's hand, looked back at me as if to say, "Yes, Mom, I AM a big boy. I can sit with friends for church." He then went and politely sat in the chair next to George and folded his hands in his lap...cute, but I don't think they're quite old enough to sit minus adults!
Driving cars with George after church.
Eating breakfast at Denny's with Bop!

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