Monday, February 01, 2010

February Surprises!

Look who came for a surprise weekend visit!!! Some of our most favorite people: Seth, Naphtali and Amara!!
Trying to walk around in her new blue digs.:)
Madeline, being a helpful cousin. Amara actually took quite a few steps with her-maybe because she had to!
Looking out the window from Westlake Center.
With her favorite person, Uncle Bray, in Whole Foods.
Annnd once again, with Bray in her birthday duds from us!2 peas in a pod. They could play/watch computer games ALL day.

Top Pot Doughnuts before church! Hobbes has to have sprinkles.
I think she likes it!
What has been deemed 'Pink Steel.' (Bray was actually trying to get her to say d-O-nut. She got the O!)At Shnoo, a.k.a. work.

Eating some yogurt...

Asking for coffee...
Wonder where she gets that 'o' face?
The 'cheeseee' face.
Pouting about the picture.Hobbes, helping Amara walk.

...and trying to make her move her feet...
Saying goodbye!! It was super-fun!

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