Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Madeline, Calvin and Hobbes.

Ever since we picked Hobbes' name out, I have thought it would be cute to have him dress up as Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes (not where we originated the name from, but still...) and then when Madeline was born (and yes, her name is from the story) I thought it would be even cuter if we dressed them up as the cartoons the same year. So this year, we finally did it-I ended up ordering Madeline's outfit from ebay, but made Hobbes. Walmart was unfortunately out of yellow hairspray, so we tried finger paint (which sort of worked) but other than that, they looked really cute! Calvin and his tiger, Hobbes, that was given to him as a baby.
' the smallest one was Madeline.'

SO cute.

and even in character!

1 comment:

Mackenzie said...

Oh my goodness Kajsa! They are such cuties! Madeline is absolutly adorable!