Thursday, June 16, 2005

Babies and music!!!

Well it's been a few days, but as I don't have my own computer, I can't always make it to the library- thus, sporadic writing. Both Bray and I feel the tension and anticipation of baby and music. We are ready at any moment, and are praying that baby comes before that is when Bray is submerged in musical happenings. We just found out that he is singing on the first performance which is this coming Tuesday, and he only just got the music 5 days ago! The world of professional music! However, some wonderful church friends of ours lent us an electric keyboard, and so I have been able to give Bray some assistance in learning his music. 2 days ago we were under tsunami warning, but I believe that has passed now. I think weather changes are some of the most strange when you move to another location. Anyhow, I don't have much time to write right now, but I shall keep you updated on baby happenings! God bless,
Bray and Kajsa

1 comment:

Kajsa Wilkins said...

Thanks for replying...I heard from your mom today- she says Jaiken and Bethany are doing'll have to tell them all hi for us. My parents arrive next Tuesday, so this baby better come soon!:) God bless, B&K