Thursday, June 23, 2005

The heat is on...

I must say, it is quite the thing to get used to the heat around here. If the wind is blowing, it's perfect, but when it slows down, say at about 3pm everyday, the sweat starts pouring! Course, that could be because I am STILL pregnant, but I like to think it's the same for everyone. Bray is now in the thick of rehearsals and performing, but thankfully, we found out that he does get 1 comp ticket for each performance and I have been able to go so far. At the introductory performance, at which all the vocalists sang a solo, I heard some amazing talent, but of course none that surpassed Bray.:) I actually thought the men had much stronger, more unique voices on the whole than the women...which is good and bad. I have just been keeping up with chores, ready at any minute to drop everything and go to the hospital. It's hard to believe that the baby WILL be here within days(or hopefully minutes) but I know once he comes, it will be like we were never without him.
The people at the academy have been very interesting to get to know. I have gone to a few dinners/lunches they have had, and thus have met at least most of the vocal department. The resumes for practically all of them are astounding! These people don't know when to stop with how many degrees they get! However, for all of their schooling, they are fairly down to earth, I won't say normal, as they are musicians, but they are nice. Only a few true prima donnas amongst the group. I can't wait to hear them as an ensemble!
I hope all is going well for all of our friends and family, and if you feel like writing at all, we would lovveee to hear from you! I know I've said this before, but I will let you know when the babe decides to arrive. However, coming from an artistic and dramatic family, I am sure he will 'make an entrance!' Love and miss you all,
Bray and Kajsa


Nick and Marissalas said...

HelloooOOooo! You guys are both probably extremely busy right now (either with the baby or waiting for the baby) ;) so we have decided to stop bothering your phones and bother you here where you can read at your leisure. Hope all is well and continues to be so!

Bekah said...

I found your blog through Remy's, so you can blame him. :-) Kajsa, you have no idea who I am, but Bray might remember. Anyway, congrats on the baby and the new life in CA!

Emily said...

Congratulations! We've been anxiously awaiting news about your son, and I'm so pleased that you all are doing well. I hope to read more about Hobbes and his mom and dad soon.