This is a pic of Hobbes looking like a baseball boy- Bray and I had a debate over whether the bill of his hat looked better down or up, and mommy won.:) However, he is still cute either way.
I finally cooked my first complete meal in months the other evening. I had it all ready and planned out, and I had turned the oven on to heat to bake the bread. I had not stuck the bread in yet, though. Now, I grew up with an electric stove, and thus my mom put all her hotpads in the drawer beneath the stove. Being a respectful and obedient daughter, I did the same, only I have a very lovely gas stove. After a few minutes of the oven preheating, I saw flames and smoke pouring out of it! This was confusing to me, as I had nothing in it, and had nooo idea where the fire could be coming from. I yelled for Bray, and he came running. I took the baby outside, and we tried to figure out where the number for the fire department was. Meanwhile Bray poured water on it- and saved the day. Although it took awhile to air the smoke out, nothing was hurt, and I was still able to cook a nice dinner. AAhh, the exciting times of a new place!
Bray and I have also been very busy this past week. One of the teachers at Chamberlain-Hunt found out I had had logic and latin, etc. She was taking the girls on a field trip to Washington D.C., and so asked 2 hours before class started if I could sub for the next 3 days. Although I never have subbed for actual academic classes before, things went well, and Bray came and sat in to make sure the boys behaved. I've only had to make 3 if them do push-ups though.:)
One other small tidbit before I sign off for a few days- I thought I was used to small town routines, but nooo. I tried to go to the 1 bank the other day, at about 4:05, but what do you know, the bank closes at 4! Not only that but it closes for lunch every day, is not even open on Thursdays, and closes at 1pm on Fridays and Saturdays! Nice job,eh? So then yesterday I went to the post office on my lunch break, as I was teaching, but nooo they close for lunch too. I just had to laugh. So then in the afternoon I went back to the bank to get some cash for the weekend, but I believe every person in the town had the same idea that I did, so I had to return empty-handed due to a time crunch. It is all quite humorous.
My parents arrive in a few weeks, and I just found out Helen is coming late October to celebrate both our birthdays! Anyone else wanting to see deep south, give me a ring. The women came over this week, along with ARcher and Jaiken, we had a nice lunch at the cafe, and showed them the campus and our house. It's fun to live near family! Well, I think that is the most up-to-date info on us Wilkinses, except maybe to add that Hobbes was 13 lbs 2 oz at his last checkup- what a chunk! Thus, the double chin in the pic! Love to you all, and God bless
CuTe outfit for the little HoBBeS! I'm glad you didn't burn down your new place! boy what an impression that would make!
The bill would look better down. Listen to your dad. He doesn't start fires.
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