Thursday, May 04, 2006

I Can Go Anywhere!!!!

For those of you who were not blessed with a childhood filled with the TV show, "Reading Rainbow," you probably won't understand the title of this post...but I thought it fitting for what Hobbes has been up to. It's been so fun to watch his personality really show up lately- funny how being mobile can do that to a kid, eh? Also, the discipline factor has really come into play- as Hobbes can reach anything 2 feet and climbable. The good news is that he seems to be (at least for the time being) responding to our 'stern' voices, and of course, hand and leg slaps. He's a pretty good imitation of a puppy learning how to come, sit, well, not potty train...but these things take time, right? I'm just joking on that last part-but he really does come when you call him. The other day I was in the living room, and I needed to go to the bedroom to fold laundry, so I told Hobbes to 'come here.' He thought about first pulling the books off the bookshelf again, but after a few repetitions of the command, he followed me all the way! How proud we can be of the little things!
Anyhow, enough of the contemplative conversation, and on to activities! Here are just a few of the things Hobbes likes to do: Eat a yummy Sunday lunch, sitting at the head of the table.
Get into my closet, and give Mom a smirk when I'm caught.
Knock down towers of blocks and throw the blocks as hard as I can.
Find the Cheerios box, tip it over, and eat them when Mom's not looking...excuse the runny nose, please.:) And, of course, climb the stairs all by myself, and then be so thrilled with myself I bounce up and down, slap my legs, and make loud noises. Love you all!


~HeLeN~ said...

awww buddy!!!!!!

Nick and Marissalas said...

Is it just me, or is that table not big enough for Hobbes?