Friday, May 12, 2006

Fun Changes...New Phases

Hello, all! I'm sure that by now the May Madness has hit everyone- whether it be jobs, end of school schtuff or just the beginning of summer planning and events, this is a CRAZY month!
We have finished up a few things, but we still don't really see a light at the end of the tunnel yet.
As you can see from the first picture, I finished playing for the musical "Nunsense," for which I am very glad-although it was good for me musically, it was incredibly time-consuming. However, I thought we should show you all a photo, so that you may all have blackmail material on me for later.:)
It has been in the 70-80's here, so one evening, we popped over to the pool behind our house, and took Hobbes in for the first time. It was late, so we couldn't stay very long,but ohhh he loved it! He kept bending down to splash his hands in the water, and wanted us to walk him back and forth forever. Occasionally, he would stop and stomp his feet really fast in the water. We'll get more pics as we have (hopefully) more time to go swimming.
The plaid pic of Hobbes is to show what we call his 'crazy' pants...they were on sale, and I must add that it was Bray who picked them out...we're branching out into the crazy styles.:)
Last but not least, I had to put up the pic of Hobbes under the table. He is trying very hard to walk, but still has to have something to hold onto. He does do a bear-crawl, and one day, I was doing bills at the table, and all of a sudden felt a bump on my leg. I had put Hobbes in the living room, playing with his booster seat, and he had pushed it all the way under the table, gotten in it and sat down, and was playing with some papers I had thrown on the floor- tryin to do what Mom was doing! It was very cute. Well, I hope you all survive the madness...and have a wonderful Mother's Day! (Moms, I mean)

1 comment:

Nick and Marissalas said...

I'm lovin' the crazy pants - some funky stylin' threads ;)

Also, do I see some blonde tufts of hair? Yay!