Friday, May 08, 2009

Oh man.

Bray has had training for his Cutco sales the past week, and so the kiddos and I have had long days alone. Between lacking fun, crazy Dad, and non-stop rain, we've been running out of things to do! Last night, the kiddos pulled out the dress-up bin from under the bed while I was doing dishes, and donned Madeline's new dress-ups (thanks to Lily!). Thankfully, Hobbes added his own touches to the princess get-ups, by wearing fireman boots and using his sword-stick. I guess I need to get some more boy dress-up outfits, cowboys, knights, etc., as I don't really want my son playing princess with Madeline all the time. The gesture is sweet, but I think we'll stick to tea parties, as that is what Bray and his brothers did with Charity!:)

Yes, my crazy son is wearing a tutu!

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