Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

All ready to go to the park festivities across the street-Hobbes and Bray played some real baseball at the park yesterday, so Hobbes came equipped with his mini-bat and ball today.:)

I don't know about you all, but we had a fabulous 4th today! Since we live right across the street from a major park/lake, we got to enjoy all the festivities minus the terrible traffic! They started having free bouncy castles, face painting, food booths,etc. at about noon, so we let the kids wear themselves out on the bouncy slides, and then put them down for naps while I went to work (holiday pay!:)). When I came hom at 7:30, Bray and I broiled burgers, and we all ate ice cream outside on our little patio. Then, at 9:45, we walked across the street with our lawn chairs, and watched the wonderful fireworks show over the water! It was great-the kiddos were home and in bed by 10:30, and even though the finale ended with a Michael Jackson song being played in the background, it was a great evening! Hobbes kept shooting all the fireworks, and saying BA-BOOM, BAA-BOOOMM! So, until next year, Happy 4th of July!

Madeline chose these hair things on her own-she went and got them out of her hairbag! And the cute part is, I wore these in my hair when I was little!
Wouldn't it be have this sailboat on the 4th of July?
Walking at the park/lake across the street.
They had free bouncy slides/castles and obstacle courses-FREE! YES!
Bray and the monkeys going down the big slide!
At the bottom of the HUGE bouncy slide-it was fun!
After his 20th go or so...
Happy 4th of JULY!
What a great day!!
Flying down the bouncy slide-this lasted for at least a half an hour!! He was red-cheeked and sweaty by the end!
Cheering for Hobbes on the bouncy slide!
4th of July ice cream, with 4th of July sprinkles!!

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