Saturday, January 14, 2006

Home again, home again...

Well, we're back. We had a fairly uneventful trip home, albeit that I was sick the night before, and was dragging my feet a bit on the way. It was hard to say goodbye to my parents, but we cheered ourselves with the hope of a visit from them sometime in March...hint hint!
Jordan picked us up from the airport, and then we went to Monroe for church and the annual pastor's conference. Unfortunately, Bray had to go back to work earlier than expected, and so I stayed the week at his parents' house.

Hobbes and I had lots of fun- playing with the cousins, going to Bethany's for lunch, visiting with the Wilsons (down for the conference) and playing matching outfits with Jaiken and Archer...see left. ( down below is what the back of their outfits say- Hobbes has frogs, Jaiken has snails)

To the left is a pic of all of Wendy and Steve's kids....we haven't been altogether at the same time since the 2 babes were born. (Going left to right: Caleb, Bray, Matt, Remy, Jordan, Kajsa, Charity, Bethany, Hobbes, Archer, Jaiken)Needless to say, it has been a wonderful vacation, but we are ready to get home and back to the grindstone! Thanks to all who hosted us and entertained us in felt like going home. We miss you all, and look forward to future visits! God bless!


~HeLeN~ said...

♥what a cute frog you have♥

Nick and Marissalas said...

SooOoOOo cute!!!