Sunday, July 23, 2006

Bonne Anniversaire !

Hello, Everyone!
As you can see, today is our 2nd anniversary! I can'r believe it! Time flies when you're having fun...and moving, having a baby, working.....well, you get the picture. We actually celebrated last night, as it was easier to find babysitters (Wendy) and restaurants on a Saturday night.
We went to Canards, a fancy-schmancy restaurant in Monroe, where we had things like duck, filet mignon, sparkling California wines, creme brulee, and incredibly good bread!
After we could eat no more, we decided to walk around the golf course right across the street from the restaurant, and take some-interesting- pictures. Since we had no one to take them for us, we had to do our best. As you can see, Bray decided to turn his head at the last minute on one of the smooching pics....ahhh, crazy times.:) We finished up the evening by going and seeing Superman Returns, which by the way, we loved, and drinking some good coffee. We miss you all, and are glad you've been a part of our lives thus far!


~HeLeN~ said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! and cutedress by the way....

Emily said...

Y'all are too cute!

Spencers said...

Kajsa, I was just looking back through the archives of our blog and I realized you posted a comment back in March! I don't know how I missed that! Happy anniversary and YEAH for Hobbes! He's growing so fast!

Nick and Marissalas said...

I want those pictures! SoOOOoOO oO OOOOOoOOooOOo cute!