Friday, July 07, 2006

Happy1st Birthday, Hobbes!!!

Hello, everyone!
As of 2:10 pm today, Hobbes is officially 1 years old! Can you believe it? I sure can't. Today started out pretty normal. I had this whole plan worked out for Hobbes' birthday celebration. I spent a lot of time making his birthday cake in the morning (see picture) and then we were planning to go to Monroe as soon as Bray got off work, to celebrate with the fam. Howeer, Bray got off work an hour and a half late, and Hobbes had been non-stop cranky, hot, little fever all afternoon. So, we decided to go later this evening, but then Hobbes got the flu. Obviously, God is in control of even the most minute details.:) Anyhow, I don't know if he'll feel up to eating his cake tomorrow, but if he does, I'll put some pics up of that. We love you all, and are so glad you've been a part of Hobbes' life so far! God bless!
Here are some birthday pics: Hobbes in his turtle shirt making crazy faces/ Opening birthday loot from Grandma & Grandpa Garfield-I love you guys!/Hobbes' birthday cake

1 comment:

Katie said...

Happy Birthday Hobbes! The flu is the worst. I got it for the first time on Mother's Day.