Saturday, February 24, 2007

No new pics, but new news!!!

Hi, everyone!
I am sorry I have no pics to put up, but I thought that I needed to update everyone on the major news we received this past week. A few weeks ago, Bray received an email from a director in NY about possibly doing a role for the show "Showboat," this summer. He had heard of Bray from the director of this competition that Bray went to last year, and was interested in hearing him. We were naturally very excited, and quickly recorded a few songs and sent them off. Within a week, the director had called and offered him the role, but said the budget people still had to figure out how much they could pay him. We decided that if it was 'worth his while,' Bray would accept.
On Wednesday of this week, the finance lady called and said they would cover travel expenses, give him more money for a month than we normally make, and a furnished apartment for while he was there. Of course we said yes!! The only tricky part, however, is that the show is performing the first week in June, which means Bray will be in NY for the whole month of May. The school year at our current job ends at the end of May, so we knew we would be leaving early. To complicate things further, I am due in April, and we decided we did not want to move everythig possibly a week after I might give birth. Thus, we have chosen to leave the school here now, head to Moscow (as Bray is starting grad school in the fall there), and have the baby there. Then Bray shall head to NY in May, come back for a few weeks after the show is over, and head to Santa Barbara for the summer. It will be tricky, and lots of traveling for Bray, but it'l be worth it!
I hope this is fairly clear to everyone- I know how complicated things in the music business seem, so I did my best to sum things up. Please pray for us, as it is bittersweet leaving so least as far as family and friends are concerned. Specifically, please pray that:
-Hobbes and my flight on March 5 goes smoothly, and that the pregnancy remains normal
-Bray's drive across the country with all of our stuff goes safely, and that he does not get too tired
-that we would find appropriate housing in Moscow
-that all the goodbyes go well, and we trust in God's good providence to bring us all together when the time is right
Thanks to all who have been so helpful thus far-this is truly a wonderful opportunity in Bray's calling-these sorts of chances rarely come up for young singers, so we are very thankful that God has opened this door for us. To those of you up north, we look forward to seeing you soon! We shall update as we go along, but for now love to you all!


~HeLeN~ said...

have I told you yet that I'm EXCITED

----------------------------------------------------------- said...

Awww.... I'm so sad that y'all are moving, but that really is an amazing opportunity for y'all! Congrats, Bray!

----------------------------------------------------------- said...

That was from Ragan! :-)

Nick and Marissalas said...

YAY! Things are working out so well - can't wait to see you guyssssssss


Emily said...

Awww...I was so excited to see our first girl cousin as a newborn! But this really is fabulous news for Bray's career, and he deserves it. Congratulations to you all!

Sarah said...

Wow! What an opportunity for a young singer! Congrats!

Charles said...

This is very exciting! I am glad that Bray has the part.

On a related point, should I buy season tickets for the Met this year, or wait till next?

Also, congratulations on the impending arrival of another child.

PS, You guys may not remember me, but I was one of your customers at Bucer's long ago -- I still think fondly of Bray's espresso machiattos and Kajsa's mastery of Tanzanian Peaberry

Charles said...

Excuse me, not Bray -- Major Wilkins. Where did my manners go?