Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Opera Birmingham
About a week ago, we were carrying on with life as normal-kids, work, eat, practice, play, coffee, etc., when Bray received an email. It was from the director of Opera Birmingham asking Bray if he would be interested/available to play the role of Normanno in Donizetti's opera, Lucia di Lammermoor. The production is set for the 3rd week of March, and rehearsals begin on February 28th. Bray competed and placed in the Opera Birmingham Competition last May, and they had remembered him. This seems to be the way it happens for us!:) However, with 2 kiddos and 3 jobs, it made it a bit trickier for Bray to leave for 3 weeks. But due to the grace of God, and giving, gracious family and employers, Bray is going to do it, and will still have a job when he comes back! My amazing in-laws will be helping out with the kiddos when I go to play at the University in the afternoons, so I know this will be a wonderful opportunity! It is Bray's true first 'debut' as an emerging professional, and with a good company. So thank yall for your prayers and words of encouragement and support-we still need them, and will keep yall updated! Pics will come as Bray gets into rehearsals and production!!


Naphtali Garfield said...

We love you guys! So happy for Bray!

Vickie said...

Please send me all the details...I would love to come over and see him perform!! He needs a cheering section!

Love from the Orr's!

Mike Church said...

That is awesome! I love the Birmingham area.