Saturday, May 05, 2007

Keeping busy...

Hello, everyone!
Sorry it's been a few days since I last's hard to find time to do 'Kajsa' things with 2 kiddos and no husband! However, I wanted to make sure I got some pics up so that Daddy especially could keep up with what we've been doing.
Hobbes and I have been dragging Madeline along on our little adventures...and as you can see from this picture, she just endures it and hangs out in her carseat. AND she finally has her eyes open wide.:)

Here is a pic mainly for Daddy, every time I told Hobbes to look at the camera, he would try to blow it out as you would a candle. Who knows why....but strangeness seems to run in the family, right?:)

Last night I took the kids out to ice cream at Baskin Robbins...course Hobbes and I were the ones eating the ice cream and Hobbes devoured it with great enjoyment.

He got it in his hair and he tried to fit his whole face on the cone. Food is his passion...have I ever mentioned that?
This morning we went downtown for the first "Farmer's Market" of the summer. We went with friends Aunt Helen and baby Levi. It was a beautiful day, if not a bit nippy.
Then Hobbes got ahold of the entire cookie Mom had got he is trying very sneakily to eat the whole thing.(he didn't succeed, by the way) This afternoon we went with Ama to the pond. We got to swing, and we saw ducks (or kack kacks) and goldfish. What a pretty day!

And after all that the kids were exhausted...I got a cute pic of them asleep on our bed....while Mom was doing stuff.
Well, that's what we've been up to so far...we miss you Daddy, and everyone else too!

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