Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Surprise, Grandma and Grandpa!

So this past weekend, we held a surprise 30th wedding anniversary party for my parents. My little sister came up with the idea several months ago, and so we all have been conniving together(is that the right terminology?) as to how to go about keeping a secret while inviting sooo many people! Seth and Naphtali decided early on that they would fly in, and my Aunt Jill and cousin Peter said they would travel down as well. We invited most of Moscow, as it seems that practically everyone is connected to them...my mom was born and raised here! The party was held at the Church's(Kathryn's in-laws) and the premise for getting my parents there was dessert with them and some other friends.
When my parents came to their door, however, they were greeted by not a few friends, but over 60 people! I never got the official headcount, but the Church's house is quite large, and it was packed!!! Seth and Naphtali were standing right in the front of the pack, and my parents' expressions(when they realized what was going on) were priceless...I of course, left my camera in the kitchen for the opportune moment, and instead was holding a glass of champagne. Ahh,irony. It was really sweet to see how many people have been touched by my parents, and how much they care about them in return. The official group gift was a 'second' honeymoon to Victoria, Canada-which they will leave for this weekend. The only difference will be, is that this time they can do the things they couldn't afford 30 years ago! I am reallly excited for them, especially as I have never been out of the country!:)
Needless to say, the party was a smash, and you can see pics of it in my next post. I love you, Mom and Pop!

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