Monday, May 24, 2010

Pentecost Fish Fry!

Hello, all!! I am still working without a memory card (I am remedying that today!) so I just got a few pictures, but we had our 1st annual Pentecost Fish Fry yesterday! Although the weather was extremely hot, the kiddos had a great time, and the fish was delicious! In fact, I didn't even see Hobbes and Madeline most of the time, due to them playing with older kids! It's so nice to have older friends that can watch out for them!

Madeline's new best friend, Megan Lang. She is such a sweet girl, and yesterday they were playing 'princess and her fairy godmother.' Madeline is her new little shadow.
a whole pile of cousins! We ate lunch with Sarah and Emily, who are Bray's cousins. Between the 2 families, we already have 8 2nd cousins!
Aunt Charity stopping to taste some 'princess cake.'
Uncle Matt led the games/activities for the kids, and Madeline stayed right by his side the whole time! Matt and Megan took Hobbes and Madeline to their house on Friday afternoon for movies/games, so they ADORE them now!:)

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