Saturday, May 08, 2010

We are here-and camera-less.

As you may have guessed by now, we made it safely to Monroe, Louisiana. It was the longest drive I've ever done and hopefully ever will do, bu I learned to appreciate the beauty of the rock formations in Wyoming, and the everlasting flat green fields of Iowa and Missouri. The kids did AMAZING-seriously, better than us, and we even got to have a waterslide at our first hotel-and both kids were brave enough to go down it with me several times!
We are settling into life here in the South,enjoying all the good food, family and friends, and trying to adjust to the 80-90 degree weather! Hobbes shadows his cousin Archer's (age 6) every move, and is already far more adventurous than I might like.:) We are starting a vocal/piano studio and have had a good amount of interest in that, and Bray will be competing in a vocal competition in Birmingham in about a week and a half. Unfortunately, my camera decided to die the day after we got here, so besides the last few pics I managed to take the 1st day, you will have to use your imagination until we can get a new one!
Thanks for all the prayer, and we miss you all!!

1 comment:

Josh and Shawna said...

Glad you made it safely!! I've been wondering how you all are doing and praying that this transition would be a smooth for you. All our love!